{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Seminar where import Data.List ((!!), lookup, zipWith3) import Data.List.Extra (nub) import Data.Random import Data.Random.Distribution.Uniform import qualified Data.Text as T import GA import Pretty import Protolude import Test.QuickCheck hiding (sample, shuffle) import Test.QuickCheck.Instances data Name = N { firstName :: Text, lastName :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Arbitrary Name where arbitrary = N <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Pretty Name where pretty (N f l) = f <> " " <> l type EMail = Text data Student = S { name :: Name, email :: EMail } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Arbitrary Student where arbitrary = S <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Pretty Student where pretty (S n e) = pretty n <> " <" <> e <> ">" {-| The seminar GA is about giving topics to students. If there are not enough topics, some students might get assigned 'NoTopic'. -} data T = T Text | NoT deriving (Show) {-| 'Topic' is not 'Maybe' because this 'Eq' instance is different ('Nothing' @==@ 'Nothing' but 'NoTopic' @/=@ 'NoTopic'). -} instance Eq T where T x == T y = x == y -- NoT == _ = False -- _ == NoT = False NoT == NoT = True NoT == _ = False _ == NoT = False instance Arbitrary T where arbitrary = oneof [T <$> arbitrary, return NoT] instance Pretty T where pretty (T s) = s pretty NoT = "Kein Thema" topicToMaybe (T x) = Just x topicToMaybe NoT = Nothing type Priorities = [(Student, [(T, Int)])] students :: Priorities -> [Student] students = fmap fst topics :: Priorities -> [T] topics p = topics' ++ padding where padding = replicate (length (students p) - length topics') NoT topics' = nub . join $ fmap fst . snd <$> p {-| The sum of all priorities given by all students. -} sumOfAll p = (1 +) . sum $ (sum . fmap snd) . snd <$> p {-| The priority of 'NoTopic' is 101. The priority of topics that have not been assigned a priority by a student is one less than this value. -} prioOf :: Priorities -> Student -> T -> Int prioOf _ _ NoT = 101 prioOf p s t = maybe (prioOf p s NoT - 1) identity $ lookup s p >>= lookup t type Assignment = [(Student, T)] data I = I Priorities Assignment deriving (Eq, Show) instance Pretty I where pretty i@(I p a) = T.unlines (gene <$> a) where gene :: (Student, T) -> Text gene (s, t) = pretty s <> ": " <> pretty t <> prio s t prio :: Student -> T -> Text prio s t = " (" <> show (prioOf p s t) <> ")" instance Individual I where new (I p _) = sample $ I p . zip (nub $ students p) <$> shuffle (topics p) fitness (I p a) = return . negate . sum $ fromIntegral . uncurry (prioOf p) <$> a mutate (I p a) = do x <- sample $ Uniform 0 (length a - 1) y <- sample $ Uniform 0 (length a - 1) return . I p $ switch x y a {-| Borrowed from TSP: Crossover cuts the parents in two and swaps them (if this does not create an invalid offspring). TODO Assumes that both individuals are based on the same priorities. TODO Require type-wise that both Assignments are of the same length. -} crossover1 (I p a1) (I _ a2) = do let l = fromIntegral $ min (length a1) (length a2) :: Double x <- sample $ Uniform 0 l let a1' = zipWith3 (f x) a1 a2 [0 ..] let a2' = zipWith3 (f x) a2 a1 [0 ..] if valid a1' && valid a2' then return . Just $ (I p a1', I p a2') else return Nothing where f x v1 v2 i = if i <= x then v1 else v2 {-| Swaps topics at positions 'i'' and 'j'' in the given assignment. -} switch :: Int -> Int -> Assignment -> Assignment switch i' j' xs | i' == j' = xs | 0 <= i' && i' < length xs && 0 <= j' && j' < length xs = let i = min i' j' j = max i' j' ei = xs !! i ej = xs !! j left = take i xs middle = take (j - i - 1) $ drop (i + 1) xs right = drop (j + 1) xs in left ++ [(fst ei, snd ej)] ++ middle ++ [(fst ej, snd ei)] ++ right | otherwise = xs prop_switch_keepsValid i j xs = valid xs == valid (switch i j xs) {-| Whether the given assignment is valid (every student occurs at most once, as does every topic). -} valid :: Assignment -> Bool valid a = unique students && (unique . filter (/= NoT)) topics where students = fmap fst a topics = fmap snd a {-| Whether the given list only contains unique elements. -} unique xs = length xs == (length . nub) xs prop_valid_empty = valid [] prop_valid_dupNoT ss = unique ss ==> valid (ss `zip` repeat NoT) prop_valid_dupT ss ts = unique ss && unique ts && length ss > length ts && not (null ts) && NoT `notElem` ts ==> not . valid $ ss `zip` cycle ts prop_valid_noDups = forAll noDupsList $ \ss -> forAll noDupsList $ \ts -> valid $ ss `zip` ts {-| Generator for lists fulfilling 'unique', that is, only containing unique elements. -} noDupsList :: (Arbitrary a, Eq a) => Gen [a] noDupsList = nub <$> arbitrary prop_noDupsList = forAll (noDupsList :: Gen [Int]) unique -- NEXT find out why after x thousand repetitions, sometimes, bad solutions -- occur with duplicate students -- probably due to error in 'switch' implementation return [] runTests = $quickCheckAll