* PROJECT haga ** TODO See TODOs in code ** MAYBE Add factory floor optimizer GA that optimizes factory floor - data: graph of workstations with edge weights being the number of walks between them - desired: optimal configuration that reduces crossings - space: 15 workstations that can be positioned in a 20 x 20 space ** MAYBE Implement simple lcs in haga * Unsorted ideas - https://github.com/mikeizbicki/HerbiePlugin - https://github.com/mikeizbicki/subhask - hlearn * MAYBE Add seminar stats - Which topic was chosen how often, how are the priorities distributed etc. #+BEGIN_SRC haskell fmap (\xs@(x : _) -> (fst x, fmap snd xs)) $ groupOn fst $ sortOn fst $ filter ((100 /=) . snd) $ mconcat $ snd <$> unP prios #+END_SRC