{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} import Options.Applicative import Pipes import Pretty import Protolude hiding (for) import System.IO -- import Szenario212Pun -- import Szenario191 import GermanDataset import Debug.Trace as DB import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map data Options = Options { iterations :: !N, populationSize :: !N } options :: Parser Options options = Options <$> option auto ( long "iterations" <> short 'i' <> metavar "N" <> value 1000 <> help "Number of iterations" ) <*> option auto ( long "population-size" <> short 'p' <> metavar "N" <> value 100 <> help "Population size" ) optionsWithHelp :: ParserInfo Options optionsWithHelp = info (helper <*> options) ( fullDesc <> progDesc "Run a GA" <> header "haga - Haskell implementations of EAs" ) main :: IO () main = execParser optionsWithHelp >>= \opts -> do hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering germanLEE <- shuffledGermanLEE let env = germanLE let selType = Tournament 3 let run' = run germanLEE env selType 80 (5 / 100) (populationSize opts) (steps (iterations opts)) pop' <- runEffect (for run' logCsv) germanLEE' <- calc germanLEE pop' let (res, _) = bests germanLEE' 5 pop' let germanLEE' = germanLEE {training = False} germanLEE' <- calc germanLEE' res mapM_ (format germanLEE') res where format germanL s = do let f = fitness' germanL s putErrText $ show f <> "\n" <> pretty s logCsv = putText . csv csv (t, f) = show t <> " " <> show f