Johannes Merl f04ebbaff3 plotting
2024-05-20 18:21:07 +02:00

47 lines
2.7 KiB

set terminal pdfcairo transparent enhanced font "arial,10" fontscale 1 size 14.9in,9.0in
set output
set style data lines
unset title
set xrange [ * : * ] noreverse writeback
set x2range [ * : * ] noreverse writeback
set yrange [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
set y2range [ * : * ] noreverse writeback
set zrange [ * : * ] noreverse writeback
set cbrange [ * : * ] noreverse writeback
set rrange [ * : * ] noreverse writeback
set palette rgbformulae 3,2,2 mode HSV
set style fill transparent solid 0.1
unset colorbox
set key outside
set ylabel "Accuracy"
set xlabel "Schritt"
plot @ARG1 using 1:3 with lines lc "#006400" dt "--" title "N:d4 (90th Percentile)", \
@ARG1 using 1:4 with lines lc "#006400" dt "__" title "N:d4 (10th Percentile)", \
@ARG1 using 1:2 with lines lc "#006400" title "N:d4 (median)", \
@ARG2 using 1:3 with lines lc "#bc8f8f" dt "--" title "N:d8 (90th Percentile)", \
@ARG2 using 1:4 with lines lc "#bc8f8f" dt "__" title "N:d8 (10th Percentile)", \
@ARG2 using 1:2 with lines lc "#bc8f8f" title "N:d8 (median)", \
@ARG3 using 1:3 with lines lc "#ff0000" dt "--" title "N:d9 (90th Percentile)", \
@ARG3 using 1:4 with lines lc "#ff0000" dt "__" title "N:d9 (10th Percentile)", \
@ARG3 using 1:2 with lines lc "#ff0000" title "N:d9 (median)", \
@ARG4 using 1:3 with lines lc "#ffd700" dt "--" title "F:d4 (90th Percentile)", \
@ARG4 using 1:4 with lines lc "#ffd700" dt "__" title "F:d4 (10th Percentile)", \
@ARG4 using 1:2 with lines lc "#ffd700" title "F:d4 (median)", \
@ARG5 using 1:3 with lines lc "#00ff00" dt "--" title "F:d8 (90th Percentile)", \
@ARG5 using 1:4 with lines lc "#00ff00" dt "__" title "F:d8 (10th Percentile)", \
@ARG5 using 1:2 with lines lc "#00ff00" title "F:d8 (median)", \
@ARG6 using 1:3 with lines lc "#00ffff" dt "--" title "F:d9 (90th Percentile)", \
@ARG6 using 1:4 with lines lc "#00ffff" dt "__" title "F:d9 (10th Percentile)", \
@ARG6 using 1:2 with lines lc "#00ffff" title "F:d9 (median)", \
@ARG7 using 1:3 with lines lc "#a020f0" dt "--" title "K:d4 (90th Percentile)", \
@ARG7 using 1:4 with lines lc "#a020f0" dt "__" title "K:d4 (10th Percentile)", \
@ARG7 using 1:2 with lines lc "#a020f0" title "K:d4 (median)", \
@ARG8 using 1:3 with lines lc "#1e90ff" dt "--" title "K:d8 (90th Percentile)", \
@ARG8 using 1:4 with lines lc "#1e90ff" dt "__" title "K:d8 (10th Percentile)", \
@ARG8 using 1:2 with lines lc "#1e90ff" title "K:d8 (median)", \
@ARG9 using 1:3 with lines lc "#ff1493" dt "--" title "K:d9 (90th Percentile)", \
@ARG9 using 1:4 with lines lc "#ff1493" dt "__" title "K:d9 (10th Percentile)", \
@ARG9 using 1:2 with lines lc "#ff1493" title "K:d9 (median)"